
Tuesday 24 December 2013

The Casual Staple Boxing Day Shopping List

Hello folks!!
Boxing Day is just around the corner! Many online Magic stores or LGS will have some sort of sale going during this time. This is a great opportunity to pick up some great cards at a discounted price.

I have composed a list of Casual Staples from the expansion sets that were released this year. All cards that are on the list have multiple applications in different decks.
Here is the list! Enjoy!

Aurelia's Fury ~ A utility burn spell that does more than just damage.
Blind Obedience ~ An enchantment that is suitable in both Aggro and Control deck.
Boros Charm ~ Hands down the best Charm ever printed!
Boros Elite ~ A cheap creature that comes with nice Battalion ability
Burning-Tree Emissary ~ A "free" mana fixing creature with a 2/2 body, pretty powerful stuff.
Experiment One ~ Cheap one drop creature that has the potential to be big.
Frontline Medic ~ Nice Battalion ability that protects your attacking army.
Gift of Orzhova ~ An easy to cast enchantment that provides your creature marvelous combat tricks!
Pit Fight ~ A removal spell for the green based creature deck.
Skyknight Legionnaire ~ An aggressive creature that hits hard and fast!
Advent of the Wurm ~ Four mana for a 5/5 creature at Instant speed. A powerful spell indeed!

Far // Away ~ A spell that can remove two of your opponent's creature at a reasonable cost.
Nivix Cyclops ~ The new BFF of Wee Dragonauts and Kiln Fiend.
Skylasher - A great creature that can be used to against Blue based decks

MAGIC 2014
Bonescythe Sliver ~ Top tier Sliver that grants Double Strike ability.
Brave the Elements ~ An extremely powerful protection spell in a White based Aggro deck
Doom Blade ~ An efficient spot removal spell for Black.
Duress ~ One of the most powerful discard spell ever printed in Magic the Gathering history!
Elvish Mystic ~ Llanowar Elves Mk. 3.
Galerider Sliver ~ Top tier Sliver that grants Flying ability.
Imposing Sovereign ~ An aggressive creature that can hinder your opponent's ability to block
Manaweft Sliver ~ Rainbow Sliver that everyone loves.
Predatory Sliver ~ More Muscle Slivers? Oh Yes!
Ratchet Bomb ~ Gives you the ability to strategically wipe the board.
Silence ~ Nice control spell that allows you to be a step ahead of the game.
Striking Sliver ~ Top tier Sliver that grants First Strike ability.
Young Pyromancer ~ One of the new "Storm" combo favorite!

Fleecemane Lion ~ A 3/3 Creature for two mana that comes with a nice bonus.
Magma Jet ~ One of the staple burn spells used in Mono Red burn decks.
Titan's Strength ~ Buffing your creature and allows you to Scry, a priceless addition to an Aggro deck.

Finally if you still have not yet picked up a playset of "Buddy Lands" or "Pain Lands", take the advantage of Boxing Day sale around you and grab some!! These lands are very important mana fixing tools for budget deck constructions.

Until next time, Merry Christmas and happy New Year!!

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