

I have always believed that playing a casual MTG deck does not mean you have to play with bad cards. It is possible to build a fun and powerful deck with a reasonable budget.  Magic the Gathering isn't a cheap game; however, there are many versatile "budget staples" such as Lightning Bolt, Brainstorm, Dark Ritual and etc. that can be used in many different types of decks. With these "budget staples" we are able to gradually lower the cost of our subsequent deck building.
I usually build my decks following Legacy format's Banned and Restricted (B&R) list. The Legacy B&R list is perfect for Casual Constructed deck building, because it allows us to use almost any cards that were printed in Magic`s history yet restricted overly expensive cards or the cards that are simply too powerful to be played as 4 copies.
Casual Constructed is about building a quality deck with a reasonable budget while following the Legacy format's B&R list. These decks may not be legacy competitive but they should all be fairly versatile and fun to pilot. This blog is dedicated to building Casual Constructed decks and also discusses any interesting news arising in the MTG realm.

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