
Sunday 17 November 2013

Single Card Discussion: Nighthowler

"Bestow" is a fun and powerful mechanic that provides your deck with a great card advantage. Unfortunately, the majority of the bestow creatures are extremely costly in terms of mana, making them very difficult to include in an efficient deck. Nighthowler is one of the bestow creatures that has a relatively low mana cost. A Mono Black Control (MBC) deck can make use of Nighthowler in its sideboard when against Aggro or Midrange decks.

In general, MBC decks are packed with either heavy hand disruption or creature destruction spells. Both styles of play will lead to a quick build up of creatures in the graveyard if your opponent is using a creature based deck. Nighthowler which grows stronger with more creatures in all graveyards is a perfect candidate  for this type of situation.

MBC  decks normally rely on heavy disruptions and win the game with a key creature such as Nantuko Shade or Nyxathid. Often both Aggro and Midrange decks have a few spot removal spells of their own; it will set your progress back greatly if your key creature gets removed from the game. In this situation, if you have a Nighthowler in play as an aura enchantment, it will remain in play as a creature to finish the job. The great card advantage provided by Nighthowler ensures that you  have a deadly back up to foil your opponent's plan.

Try a few copies Nighthowler out in the MBC deck. I'm sure you won't be disappointed!


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